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Al Jawad High School

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Al Jawad High School
Imam Al Jawad Secondary is located in Lebanon. We are a dynamic learning community committed to providing an exceptional education for students from kindergarten through secondary. Our school prides itself on fostering a holistic educational experience that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for success in the modern world.
Overall impact
The Skills Builder program aligns seamlessly with our educational approach, which emphasizes the importance of both academic achievement and personal development. This inclusive approach guarantees that our youngest learners are introduced to foundational skills early on, while mature learners continue to refine and expand their capabilities. A key aspect of our approach is the integration of essential skills with other curriculum subjects. By weaving the Skills Builder competencies into the fabric of our academic programs, we provide students with meaningful opportunities to apply their skills in various contexts. Whether it's through collaborative writing tasks, or critical thinking exercises in science subjects, our students learn to see the relevance of these skills in their everyday lives and future careers. This has boosted students’ self-confidence and their self-belief in their ability to progress through the steps.
Keep it simple
The essential skills are now a part of school life with the language visible throughout the classrooms. Students have created multiple creative and inventive displays and posters of the skills and the logos. These are displayed in all classrooms so students are always thinking about the skills. Visitors to the school also see these skills and so they are shared with the wider community at school events. Following Skills Builder training sessions, teachers streamlined their lesson plans and focusing on the core concepts that students need to understand. They eliminated unnecessary complexity and jargon, making the material more accessible and easier to grasp for all students. Noticeable differences in both students and teachers include increased clarity and efficiency in teaching and learning essential skills. Teachers report that students now discuss these skills more confidently, demonstrating a better understanding and ability to articulate what they have learned. Additionally, there has been a marked improvement in the application of these essential skills, with students exhibiting higher levels of competency and practical use in various contexts, indicating a successful integration of the principle into the educational process.
Start early, keep going
The school initiated the program with younger students and continued to build on these foundational skills throughout their educational journey. The program included students starting from the early elementary grades, ensuring that even the youngest learners were introduced to essential skills from the beginning. Teaching provisions were carefully planned to cater to different age groups by developing age-appropriate curricula and activities. For younger students, the focus was on simple, engaging exercises to introduce core concepts, while older students engaged in more complex, hands-on projects that reinforced and expanded upon their existing knowledge. This continuous, scaffold approach ensured that all learners, regardless of age, consistently developed and honed their essential skills over time.
Measure it
The school established a comprehensive assessment system to evaluate students' skills consistently. Skills were assessed through a variety of methods, including quizzes, practical assignments, and observational checklists. This ongoing assessment process provided teachers with valuable data on each student's progress and proficiency levels. The insights gained from these assessments supported planning and teaching by allowing educators to identify areas where students needed additional support or challenge. This data-driven approach ensured that instruction could be tailored to meet the diverse needs of learners, promoting more effective and targeted teaching strategies. Additionally, the implementation of evaluation sheets for grids helped standardize the assessment process, providing a clear framework for tracking and documenting skill development across different grades and subjects. This structured evaluation system enabled teachers to monitor growth over time, facilitating a more personalized and responsive educational experience for each student.
Focus tightly
The school implemented targeted teaching strategies to differentiate skills instruction for different students. This approach involved tailoring lessons to meet the specific needs, strengths, and learning styles of each student. Teachers utilized various instructional methods, such as small group work, individualized learning plans, and differentiated materials, to ensure that each student received the appropriate level of challenge and support. Assessments played a crucial role in this process by providing detailed insights into each student's progress and skill levels. Through regular and varied assessments, teachers were able to identify specific areas where students excelled or needed additional help. This data allowed educators to adjust their teaching methods and focus on the precise skills each student needed to develop. By concentrating efforts on these targeted areas, the school was able to enhance student learning outcomes and ensure that all learners progressed effectively in their skill development.
Keep practising
The school ensured that students had ample opportunities to reinforce their skills through consistent practice across various subjects and activities. This was achieved by integrating essential skills into all areas of the curriculum, allowing students to apply what they had learned in different contexts. For instance, problem-solving skills taught in mathematics were also reinforced through science experiments and project-based learning in social studies. Teachers designed assignments and projects that required students to repeatedly use and refine their skills, ensuring continuous practice and improvement. Furthermore, regular practice sessions, peer collaboration, and real-world application tasks were incorporated into daily lessons to maintain skill proficiency. This cross-curricular approach not only reinforced skills but also highlighted their relevance and applicability in multiple domains, fostering a deeper and more practical understanding among students.
Bring it to life
The school linked skills to the wider school and community to make learning more relevant and engaging for students. This was achieved by creating partnerships with local organizations and businesses, enabling students to see the practical application of their skills in real-world settings. For example, students participated in community service projects, internships, and field trips that connected their classroom learning to community needs and professional environments. Guest speakers from various fields were invited to share their experiences and demonstrate how essential skills are utilized in their careers. Additionally, the school organized events such as career days, science fairs, and collaborative projects with neighbouring schools, all designed to showcase the importance of these skills beyond the classroom. Indoor activities included workshops, simulations, and problem-solving exercises that mirrored real-world scenarios, while outdoor activities comprised community clean-up initiatives, nature exploration projects, and local business tours. By providing students with opportunities to apply their learning in authentic contexts through both indoor and outdoor activities, the school helped them understand the value and impact of their skills, fostering a greater sense of purpose and motivation in their educational journey.
What's next
We have a variety of strategic plans to further enhance the Skills Builder programme. The school plans to conduct a thorough review of the past year’s implementation to identify successes and areas for improvement. The curriculum will be refined to ensure that the principles are being effectively applied across all subjects and grades. Professional development will be a priority, focusing on techniques for embedding skills into daily instruction and using data from assessments to tailor teaching more precisely. Teachers will receive training on resources and tools to support continuous practice and real-world application of skills. The school will expand partnerships with local organizations to provide more diverse and meaningful real-world learning opportunities. This could include internship programs, community service projects, and guest speaker series that bring a broader range of perspectives into the classroom. To further engage students, the school will introduce new indoor and outdoor activities that promote skill application in various contexts, such as hackathons, entrepreneurship projects. Finally, a robust monitoring and evaluation framework will be established to track progress and impact. By following these steps, the school aims to deepen the integration of Skills Builder principles, ensuring that students continue to develop essential skills effectively and confidently.