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Amgad Language School

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Amgad Language School
Amgad Language School is a private school in Cairo, Egypt for students aged between 4 and 18. We offer our students a distinctive, and unique challenge of education and high-standard qualities of learning in a nurturing environment. It is an imperative part of our mission to deliver satisfaction to each parent who confides in us with their child’s future.
Overall impact
In the past, our students have been treated as machines for retaining information and memorising it for exams only. Skills Builder has given us the chance to develop essential skills that students will need in their future; the chance to turn these skills into reality for students. It has been something new to the students, as it was very different to the traditional atmosphere of the classroom. They felt positive about themselves because they could make changes. Their confidence has really improved and as they are more aware of the skills, particularly what it means to actively listen. We are particularly proud of the students' performance in our English Day, as the visitors noticed the change in the childrens’ attitudes. The students helped to organise the day, using their creativity skills to develop ideas for the day and their speaking skills to express themselves.
Keep it simple
Posters of the skills were printed and displayed in corridors. As the skills leader, I led gatherings with staff to discuss progress through the programme. All staff were made aware that listening and speaking were the focus skills. We then ran a summer course for grade 1 students. Four skills were applied: listening, speaking, creativity and teamwork. Students learnt and applied the skills intensely. The students were very responsive to the programme and they were eager to use the skills in their real life. The listening and speaking skills were applied even during free time such as breaks, and during trips.
Start early, keep going
As part of the programme, we introduced essential skills to 12 -15 year old students and included them within the lessons. Students were very responsive so as results, the summer course involved 10–12-year-olds.
Measure it
There were meetings with teachers to discuss the progress of the process throughout the year, with the Universal Framework used as a reference point. During the summer course, teachers used the offline assessment tool to measure progress. The students were motivated all the time by giving them grades based on their participation. There was a chart in the classrooms to register and encourage the participation.
Focus tightly
The students were taught skill steps, and then were observed and feedback would be given in a targeted way. Some of the Hub resources were used by teachers to provide opportunities to focus tightly.
Keep practising
The skills have been referred to regularly in subject lessons (e.g. in Drama lessons, during the English Day) using the language of the Framework, and supported by activities. The way this is done depends on each teacher and each subject. So far, we have covered listening, speaking, leadership, as well as Problem Solving.
Bring it to life
Throughout the year, we ran projects for the students to bring the skills to life, express themselves and work together, as well as Fun Days and Bazaars. The participation of the students was good as they felt what has been learnt inside the school can be applied in their life. This has motivated them a lot.
What's next
There are a few areas that we would like to focus on going forward. We would like to introduce the skills to Early Year Foundation Stage and incorporate the skills into after school clubs and wider community engagements. We would also like to reward essential skills in award assemblies and focus on writing essential skills into the curriculum policy.