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Manor Green College

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Manor Green College
Manor Green College in Crawley, is a dynamic and inspirational West Sussex SEND secondary school for students between the ages of 11-19 who experience a wide range of learning difficulties. The core purpose of MGC is to discover and develop every student's potential in preparation for their adult life, and our fundamental belief is that happy learners learn better. During their journey with us, students will have opportunities to take part and try their best without fear of failure. They will become more self-aware and as a result, learn self-belief and resilience. Skills Builder provides a great way for our students to understand and communicate the skills that they will need to follow their own individual path in the world.
Overall impact
Teachers have a stronger understanding of the skills framework and feel more confident linking learning to the essential skills. Across the college, the essential skills are more visible and in hand the students are more confident communicating their skills. This was particularly evident at the college Next Steps event, whereby employers and FE colleges fed back how knowledgably students were of the skills, areas they needed to develop and wanting to know which essential skills employers were looking for or colleges for courses they were interested in. There is a distinct increase in our wider stakeholders knowledge of Skills Builder, enabling them plan on supporting our learners with a common understanding of ability, rather than a focus on (SEND) needs.
Keep it simple
The essential skills are embedded within teaching and learning, through medium and long term curriculum and lesson plans, across the college. The language of essential skills is used across all areas of school or college life and the college community. Assemblies, INSET, parent conversations and Annual Review meetings reference the skills. The whole college approach, which all teachers follow, includes weekly student rewards, trips and awards recognising student learning, progress and attainment which are linked to the essential skills.
Start early, keep going
All year groups (7-14) and classes have regular and planned opportunities for the learning and practising of essential skills, where appropriate. The opportunities are either embedded into planned activities linked to the curriculum or stand alone, weekly timetabled Skills Builder sessions. Progress and attainment linked to the essential skills, is reported to parents regularly and the language is embedded into student annual review reports and Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP's)
Measure it
A majority of teachers regularly formative assessment to prioritise and inform the teaching of essential skills. The college is using Earwig across the college to capture and evidence student progress and attainment with the Skills Builder assessment framework to link teaching and assessment.
Focus tightly
Majority of teachers engage in focused and explicit teaching of essential skills. Timetables or planning show that most or all teachers dedicate time to the teaching of skills (where appropriate) using Skills Builder resources.
Keep practising
All teachers provide regular opportunities for students to identify and practise essential skills across curriculum activities, and all different subject areas. Each classroom has a skills builder display and majority of learning is linked to at least one essential skill. There is a fortnightly teacher newsletter, with resources and links to the skills focus for that two weeks. The college written curriculum and medium term plans make reference to opportunities for practising essential skills across all subject areas. All extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students to practise essential skills.
Bring it to life
The college makes provision for all students to have experiences to apply essential skills such as student enterprise based learning, enrichment - Skills Builder days. The college has a Careers calendar for employer encounters and workplace visits including a Next Steps day, in which employers and key stakeholders make reference to the Skills Builder framework by highlighting essential skills needed for job roles. All students participate in the QUEST curriculum building life skills, employability skills linked to the framework. Where appropriate, students in key stage 4 and 5 participate in onsite and offsite work experience, to develop their essential skills and confidence.
What's next
Share practice of the planning, resources and activities for stand alone, weekly, timetabled Skills Builder sessions that are appropriate across specific pathways in the college (2024-25, college improvement plan includes class based pathway student learning) A reverse jobs fair, showcasing student's essential skills and developing knowledge and use of Skills Builder for employers for further training and support.
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