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St Patrick's College, Dungannon

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St Patrick's College, Dungannon
St Patrick's College is a an all ability coeducational post primary school from Northern Ireland. The school population is diverse with approximately 50% of pupils with English as an additional language. As a school we have had a focus on Careers education, information, advice and guidance and we feel Skills Builder enhances the work we have completed in this area, by making the teaching of skill explicit.
Overall impact
The Accelerator Programme has allowed the community of St Patrick's College to continue to focus on the development of essential skills. Year 9 Pupils recently presented their Construction Counts projects to a representative from Construction Futures NI. The representative from Construction Futures NI was very impressed by the pupils work. Feedback in a recent pupil voice survey and focus group was very positive regarding Skills Builder.
Keep it simple
All rooms have posters displayed to highlight the 8 skills. Stickers are given out in lessons to acknowledge when pupils demonstrate the skills. Pupils have used the skills questions prompt cards to ask questions to external speakers. The skills bingo mat has also been used during our STEM and Health Careers Fair. After each assessment point a pupil from each form class has been nominated for demonstrating the various skills. Awards have been presented at year group assemblies. The Skills Builder display at the student entrance/ exit reflects this. During Open Night, Skills Builder was referred to by our Principal and Head of Careers when speaking to parents and guardians. Parents have also been informed of the importance of skills development during the Options Day events for Year 10 and 12 pupils. Senior pupils have explored skills in Careers lessons, through the use of Xello when writing CVs and preparing for mock interviews.
Start early, keep going
Year 8 pupils have began to complete skills lessons during enrichment lessons. Pupils are currently completing the Breaking News project. Year 9 pupils continue to have a period on the timetable for explicit teaching of essential skills . Year 10 developed skills through the 'QuickStart' project'. Year 11 have also developed skills through their enrichment, including careers lessons and their upcoming work experience. Year 12 have developed skills through CV writing and preparing for 'Meet the Employer' event. Post 16 pupils have also developed their skills during Careers lessons and through the BIG !DEA. Pupils are also encouraged to build skills across subjects and overall skills development is celebrated during assemblies.
Measure it
Pupils have been using Benchmark to initially baseline their skills development before practicing and benchmarking their skills development again. Pupils have also demonstrated their skills development through CV writing, preparing for interviews and mock interviews. Benchmark has allowed us to visibly track the skills development. Likewise, feedback from employers has been very positive and insightful of the skills development of pupils.
Focus tightly
The timetabled lessons give specific opportunities for pupils to build their essential skills through direct instruction. This is on a weekly basis. The projects completed to include, Going Green, Construction Counts and Breaking News, also allow opportunities for pupils to build their skills. As outlined in departmental Schemes of Work, pupils are given various opportunities across the curriculum. Extra curricular activities and workshops are also a regular part of school life. one example of this was the INVEST IT BEST Challenge Day.
Keep practising
Subjects in St Patrick's College have now referenced skills in their schemes of work. Skills are currently being embedded across all curriculum areas and this is evident through recent pupil voice surveys. The schools observation proforma is also been updated to include reference to skills, where the observer can identify if the skills are being developed in lessons. Extra curricular displays includes the skills and the extra curricular timetable for Term 3 also includes skills icons to identify skills being built in the clubs.
Bring it to life
Pupils have a wide range of opportunities to bring their skills to life. As mentioned above, pupils have the opportunities to develop their skills through the Skills Builder projects and Challenge Days. Pupils also showcase their work from these to representatives from industry. Pupils have also been able to see how essential skills are needed in wider life this year through the STEM, Health and Social Care and Careers Fairs and the IT and Business Careers Fair during Careers Week. Pupils across various years have also taken part in visits to industry this year. All year groups have had speakers from industry and past pupils, through assemblies and class visits this year. Links with industry have been acknowledged as St Patrick's College was shortlisted for the Social Mobility Career Award.
What's next
In 2024-25, we will have included skills in our Teaching and Learning and Assessment Policies and inform all staff of this at the beginning of the year. We also hope to include specific teaching of the skills more in Key Stage 4 and 5. We would also like to make greater use of the Homezone section of Skills Builder.
Northern Ireland
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