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The Echelford Primary School

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The Echelford Primary School
Echelford Primary School is a three-form-entry school in Middlesex. We are part of a five school trust based in the local area. We value teaching children these essential skills and understand the importance they have in supporting children grow into lifelong learners.
Overall impact
The embedding of the skills within the wider curriculum has been exciting and successful, being able to have the support of our Skills Builder Education Associate, has allowed us to introduce the skills in a way that suits our school and have the flexibility that is needed with COVID restrictions. Seeing the children get excited about the skills and use them throughout the day, both in the classroom and on the playground has been particularly exciting.
Keep it simple
To ensure the skills are embedded across the curriculum and used regularly, at Echelford we use the individual essential skill icons and add them to our presentation slides and worksheets. This ensures children are constantly exposed to the language of the skills and apply them in real life context, developing their own understanding of the skills' values. Teaching them discreetly also ensures the children apply them consistently. To further embed the language around Skills Builder we have created a whole school display which features some of the steps for each essential skill and where appropriate for the displays around school add the different icons for the skills that children have developed while creating the display. By consistently referring to the essential skills in different lessons we can see children applying them. I like to ask my class what skills they have used at the end of every day, by having that conversation children are excited to talk about and use the Skills Builder language.
Start early, keep going
We use Skills Builder in Reception and build on it every year through to Year 6. By introducing the children to the Skills Builder approach in Reception we endeavor to embed the language from the Skills Builder Framework when the children first start school and build upon this as they move up through their primary years. During lockdown we shared different Skills Builder activities with children via our Home Learning portal, Google Classroom as well as the Skills Builder Home Learning Zone via our social media platforms. We also shared some of the Framework with our parent community via our PSHE progression map which is available on our website, further showing how we embed it in our curriculum. One teacher reflected, "I teach in Key Stage 1 and I have seen the importance of using the skills when the children are younger. Having the flexibility and the resources to hand allows me to stop a lesson and teach a skill that needs defining, for example teamwork. If we didn't teach these skills early in school it would be too late."
Measure it
At Echelford we use the Skills Builder assessment tool built into the Hub. To develop our understanding of children's levels we add children's reflections of the skills they are developing into class PSHE journals. By using the essential skills across the curriculum in a variety of different lessons we are constantly exposing the children to the language surrounding the skills and therefore we have a solid understanding of where the children are at. One teacher shared, "Using the assessment tool once I have taught a skill allows me to think about what I need to work on next, whether it is the next step or another skill. Looking at the steps allows me to see what I need to do next and how to help them progress. As a newly qualified teacher, I find this really helpful."
Focus tightly
While introducing skills, teacher use the various activities from the Skills Builder Hub. Teachers also teach specific skills if it is relevant to that lesson as a 'do now' task. This allows us to introduce different steps and ensure the children develop their understanding of the various steps of the skills. One teacher said, "I find that when I notice children are struggling with a skill, I can use the resources to directly teach them it in the next lesson. This allows me to reflect and plan their next steps regularly and ensure they are making progress." Another teacher added, "In Year 5 children can earn an award for skills such as Speaking or Leadership. I have found for children in my class that initially struggle, I can target, support and encourage children to develop these skills."
Keep practising
As we have embedded the teaching and application of the skills across the curriculum, the children at Echelford are using the essential skills throughout the day. The embedding of the skills across the curriculum ensures the children are constantly practising them throughout the school day and in a variety of situations and contexts. A class teacher shared, "We have Skills Builder sessions to bring different essential skills to life. We often will use various skills for additional challenges or Do Now Tasks to expose the children to them all the time in different lessons. The children get really excited when they have a challenge that is also related to an essential skill."
Bring it to life
Each term, to enhance topics, Echelford has Curriculum Days. These are opportunities for the essential skills to be brought to life and provide further opportunities to practise the skills. Our weekly ACE Award is given to children with the focus of Achievement, Commitments and Excellence and is often focused around children's use of the essential skills - for example in working independently, persevering, aiming high, speaking confidently, or listening well during class inputs. Using trips to target specific skills allows the children to see different times when they made to use them. One teacher added, "Children know that the ACE Award, Green Points or being moved up the behaviour chart is supported by their use of essential skills. Children who have a position of child leadership in the school know and are excited to share how they have used the skills in their leadership responsibilities."
What's next
For next year, we will be building on this year's successes. Our next area of focus is using the individual steps in our lessons to highlight each step and build on them more regularly. We will also work to further embed the use of the assessment tool on the Hub so we can track students' progress.
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