Keeping young people in education is imperative to their development and learning. However due to certain circumstances, not all young people have the support that they need to be able to have the opportunities they need to reach their potential.
HITZ on track is an early intervention programme run by The Harlequins Foundation that aims to support young people who are at high risk of becoming NEET. The Harlequins Foundation Tutors work with young people (ages 14-16) who have been identified by schools as at risk of exclusion or those who potentially do not have a positive destination come the end of year 11.
This intervention programme aims to support young people through potential barriers and helps them to plan their next steps. In addition, The Harlequin's Foundation tutors will support young people in developing five essential skills:
These essential skills will help young people to engage in the programme but will also help them in other aspects of their life as they are highly transferable life skills.